Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Congrats Dr. Sara!

August 20, 2010
Dear Sara,

I am so proud of you to have finally achieved your goal of completing your doctor’s degree. This moment has been your dream for so long. From when you graduated in the top of your class at Coventry High School, through your biology degree with honors from Milligan College and onto the University of Cincinnati, School of Allied Health Sciences, you have always been driven with a set goal in mind. This is not something that just happened—you went out and made it happen!

“None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Congratulations for listening to your “whisper”, or what I believe to be your God given talent and to achieve his plan for you.

When you informed me that you were accepted as one of only 24 students in the DPT program, I knew that you would arrive at your goal. You have always been driven to accomplish what you set out to do. It reminds me of one day, when you were in Kindergarten. You came home and announced you were going to learn to ride your bike today, without training wheels, all by yourself. And you did. As I watched you from the kitchen window, you fell many times in the driveway, skinned your knees, never complained or gave up, but eventually, you mastered the 2-wheel bike….all by yourself. So I knew, without a doubt, that you would persevere and achieve your goal to be a DPT.
Not many people could handle the demands and pressures of the program as you have: classes, presentations, papers, labs, research, late night and sometimes all-night studying, clinicals, and of course, tests, tests and more tests, in addition to the Cincinnati traffic and the crutches (!). But you survived it all amiably, graciously and with great integrity. We are so proud of you!
Last, but not least, I can’t write this letter without giving kudos to Josh for his love and support through this time. I’m sure it was a struggle for him most days, surviving late dinners, pizza takeouts, mac and cheese or hot dogs, but he was there to give you hugs when you needed it.
Congratulations, Sara, on your doctor of physical therapy degree! What a terrific accomplishment.


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